It was exciting to be part of history on 4 November 2008. I was in my lounge room watching TV with a friend when the news flashed around the world that Barack Obama had become President-elect of the United States of America.
Tears sprang to my eyes. I wanted to shout out “Thank you America for having the courage to elect this man!”
And with that newsflash, the image of the US changed. For me, it was a re-affirmation that the US is a land of hope, courage and idealism. It was beautiful to see excited young faces, black and white; the jumping for joy the shouted responses of “Yes, we can”. It was moving to see tears on the face of the Reverend Jesse Jackson, an African American leader I have long respected. I was happy for black citizens across the country who expressed their delight. Although I believe – along with one blogger I noted – that Barack Obama was elected “for the content of his character” rather than “the colour of his skin”.
This is the US I had been waiting to see. Polls and blogs tell me my sentiment was shared around the world. I have not seen optimism and excitement like this since the Kennedy era.
Watching TV, my friend and I wanted a hopeful, courageous, positive US with a dynamic leader who would bring fresh vision to American policy.
I have faith again after eight years of thinking that the US had let down its ideals. Now, the old playing on fear and negativity will be gone.
There will be a reaching out to other people in goodwill. We will recognise our shared humanity. This is my hope.
Of course I do not believe that all problems will be solved in some “magic wand manner”. They won’t.
However, invariably it is good intentions, intelligence and good will that produce good results. If we want to solve problems, we must all deal positively with them. Not from greed; not from self-interest. We must have hope and reach for the best in ourselves when we deal with the world and each other.
I thank the voters of the US for giving me fresh cause to hope.
Image Courtesy of Barack Obama's Official Website
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