Friday, 19 June 2009 19:00 GFP Columnist - Haresh Daswani

ImageShell to Settle US$15.5 Million For Executing an Environmental Activist - While Shell displays and talks about how it is working to help the environment, their crime last 1995 should not be forgotten. This is, indeed, the true face of Shell, and perhaps, many other oil companies as they greedily conquer lands not theirs to satisfy everyone's addiction to oil.

This drug, oil, which feeds on our daily requirements for transportation and other daily needs have been assured that it will still be kept at a high level, just so that oil companies have their constant earnings brought in loss of value for the environment and life.

Many of us may not have heard of this story, for it may not have been brought up to many media networks. But the reality is clear. Environmentalists have been executed as they were in the way of a large oil project.

These activists demand that the land not be polluted, but their calls were silenced. It was a gross act of brutality which reflects a very sour aftertaste to the consumer. Shell will kill for oil.

We have to thoroughly review and understand how companies truly work. Large companies have turned another face to get their goal, profit, achieved, but the lack of value and virtue should not be allowed to exist.

US$15.5 million is not enough to justify what Shell has done, and an example has to be set to Shell for what they have done, for other companies to be aware that we consumers will not stand and watch innocent civilians die for the sake of profit.

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