Wednesday, 14 November 2007 19:00 Connie Fogal Editorial Dept - Americas

"A package of measures agreed upon by the three leaders must be approved by their respective parliaments. Bush has urged Congress to quickly support him."

The above is a quote from an opinion piece from Cuba respecting the North American Union (NAU) which they refer to the Union of North America (UNA). Connie Fogal is particularly interested in this reference to an agreed "package of measures" reached at the Montebello meeting of Bush, Harper and Calderone in August 2007 which are now destined to come before our parliament. This is what Fogal says about that.

Connie Fogal, Leader of the Canadian Action Party, says that if any current sitting opposition party is honest and true in opposition to a North American Union, we ask two things: 

1. Publish immediately the details of this package of measures agreed upon by the three leaders in Montebello

2. Publish immediately the parties' position on those measures before they go into debate.

Canadians have a need to know ("transparency") the extent of each opposition party's real position on each measure Canadians have a right to know the details of the measures, and then weigh the political position of the opposition respecting those measure, and thereby know the nature and extent of all the parties' political opposition.


Informed Canadians will not settle for excuses that the opposition does not have the information yet. We say you can get it. We say, you must make an issue about that and raise its profile publicly and loudly.

Informed Canadians say, "Let us work with you so that together we can wash out that highway to corporatocracy, redirect the path to citizen sovereignty, and command the performance of our infrastructure in the public interest.

We say it is unacceptable that a massive vaccination program of young Canadian girls is in process without the INFORMED consent and guaranteed protection of the public. We say this program is a massive guinea pig operation. This operation appears to have been sanctioned in Montebello but institutionalized via previous SPP meetings in Cancun, Mexico and Waco USA.

Presumably this operation is part of the "package of measures" to come before Parliament, but our bureaucracy operating via the "working groups" of the SPP is implementing this heinous program via executive decree. We say you must act to put an end to Executive orders in the operation of the governing of Canada.


Havana, Wednesday, 26 September, 2007. Year 11 / Number 266

New Imperial Threat from the North


A summit of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) nations comprised of the United States, Canada and Mexico, took place in the tourist resort of Montebello, in the Canadian city of Ottawa on August 20 and 21.

President Bush, Primer Minister Stephen Harper and President Felipe Calderon met at the Fairmont Le Chateau Hotel converted into a bunker to block the access of the mass of demonstrators protesting the meeting.

Convoked supposedly to continue advancing in the trade relations between the three nations, the discussion took place under totally secrecy. Nevertheless, some leaks give a hint to analyze the real content of the meeting.

The main topic is advancing towards what has been dubbed the "Deep Integration" of NAFTA. It aims towards extending the agreement beyond trade relations for goods, services and investments, to include economic and political rules and regulations between the three nations.

Already it has been mentioned that an Alliance for the Security and Prosperity of North America will be created between the three nations. Under this name the purpose of creating a Union of North America is hidden, a political entity following the style of the European Union. This is an objective that should cause surprise.

Once the Free Trade Areas of the Americas (FTAA) was defeated, and there persists difficulties in concluding bilateral Free Trade Agreements between the United States and several nations of the region, it appears the new strategy of the US administration to dominate Latin America consists of building on what has already been achieved by the NAFTA and advance further past just the economic and trade relations of this agreement.

The Alliance for the Security and Prosperity of North America was discussed for the first time at the NAFTA Summit held in Waco, Texas in 2005. There, a harmonizing process began on more than 100 existing regulations, policies and laws in the three member nations that should lead to the creation of the Union of North America (UNA).


Based on the new grouping, which would extend from Alaska to the Mexican border with Guatemala and Belize, the US government would then seek to spread its dominance to the south of the continent. The UNA would be followed, territorially speaking, by the Plan Puebla-Panama, extending through all of Central America and Plan Colombia, on the base already established in that country. Next would come a move to dominate the entire Andean Mountain Range to Chile with the support of the current Peruvian government and the opposition of Venezuela and resistance of Ecuador.

If the US can control all of the Pacific side of the continent it could then move on the rest of the South American and Caribbean nations from an even stronger position.

Among the aspects of the Alliance for the Security and Prosperity of North America discussed at the Montebello Summit was one of great importance: military cooperation among the three countries. Under the pretext of fighting drug trafficking and organized crime which has surfaced in Mexico, affecting the border region with the US. In Montebello a program was agreed upon that leads to the delivery of US weaponry, munitions and equipment to Mexico; the strengthening of its telecommunications systems; exchange of military and security information, and in the training of Mexican troops in the new techniques and the strategic and tactical concepts that justify the program.

President Bush hurried to state that the plan does not include the deployment of US soldiers in Mexican territory. Although Bush didn't say it, it was understood that his statement meant "for now," since once the plan is created and difficulties arise in the fight against drug trafficking, conditions would then be ripe for the US military to enter Mexico. Something that would contribute to the US incursion would be US intelligence agencies talking about Middle Eastern extremists' involvement in the border events.

The Mexico Plan is already functioning with a $40 million US annual budget. It will now be increased to $1.2 billion US by the agreement reached at Montebello.

A package of measures agreed upon by the three leaders must be approved by their respective parliaments. Bush has urged Congress to quickly support him.

The dreams of dominance that the US has continued to weave in Montebello will not be easy to achieve. Against it is a people's movement of resistance that grows in the countries south of the Rio Bravo.

One of the factors that could impede the US objectives was discussed at the Montebello Summit. It is the institutional strengthening of the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA in Spanish), made up today by Bolivia, Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela and with a growing rapprochement with other Latin American and Caribbean countries. The ALBA stresses fraternity among sister nations, mutually beneficial trade and social development.

The creation of a Confederation of ALBA States would constitute a step towards the political and government integration of this sub-regional entity. It could then be further empowered with its ties with the Union of South American Nations, the Latin American Parliament, the Mercosur Parliament and other regional groupings. The mobilization of anti-imperialist political and civic forces of the Latin American and Caribbean nations could impede the annexation by the powerful from the north, thus frustrating the hegemonic pretensions stated in Montebello.

Canadian Action Party/ Parti action canadienne
Connie Fogal

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